Thursday, March 3, 2016


Kira is a side-character in the novel, she was also the main character of the previous novel, Gathering Blue. She cares about Matty and many others. She has long dark hair and has a garden for her plants. In the text it says, "She was wearing a blue dress and her long dark hair was tied back with a matching ribbon." (Lowry, chapter 13). As it says in the quote, Kira has long, dark hair and describes what her clothing is. Now the text says, "The gardens were larger than he remembered; since his last visit almost two years before, she had expanded them, he saw. Thick clumps of yellow and deep pink flowers fringed the edge of the small dwelling with it’s hand-hewn beams and thatched roof." (Lowry, chap 13). This proves that she likes to garden and she likes her plants, she takes care of them. She also has a crippled leg, which is said in Gathering Blue, ““He gestured toward her twisted leg. "Like you. Some don't walk good. Some be broken in other ways. Not all. But lots. Do you think it maken them quiet and nice, to be broken?”” (Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue). She is a static character and is a protagonist for the novel. She is in the conflict because she agrees to go back into Village and travel through the ominous Forest, so that she can meet her father before it is too late.

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