In the Messenger, an the villagers are usually kind and gentle people. Although, an outside force is changing the villagers from their usual selves into quarrelsome and greedy people. So now, Forest, the area that separates other places from Village, becomes an twisted place that starts to ensnares people when they travel. This happened after the villagers visit something called Trade Mart and trade something unknown but, personal for what they desire. In chapter 10, it says, "Some of those who had been among the most industrious, the kindest, and the most stalwart citizens of Village now went to the platform and shouted their wish that the border be closed so that "we" would not have to share the resources anymore." (Lowry, chap. 10). This shows the changes that the villagers went through after trading. In chapter 11 it says, "..."Forest is thickening," Leader said when he could speak..." (Lowry, chap. 11). This shows what is happening to Forest now that it is being affected by the bad vibes of the villagers. Soon enough, Forest is almost completely affected by greed and it is an extremely dangerous place. But, the solution comes along just in time for the villagers.
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